How to Remove Scratches from Liquid Glass Screen Protector?

How to Remove Scratches from Liquid Glass Screen Protector?

Do you hate when your phone’s screen has nasty scratches? As Wireless Waves Repair experts explain, liquid screen protectors offer your devices a scratch and fingerprint-resistant coating. They’re like an invisible armor for our screens! But accidents happen, and scratches can still penetrate these protectors, affecting their clarity.

Here is an outline of removing scratches from liquid glass screen protectors.

Materials Needed: Microfiber cloth, toothpaste, baking soda, metal polish, scratch remover pen.


  • Clean the screen with water; for the minor ones, use toothpaste.
  • Create baking soda paste; gently rub for effective scratch removal.
  • Apply metal polish; circular motion helps remove deeper scratches.
  • Use scratch remover pens; follow instructions for optimal results and remove scratches from the screen protector.
  • Install a new screen shield using the reference below.

How to Remove Scratches on Liquid Glass Screen Protectors?

As far as liquid glass screen protectors go, they must be at the top of the list for guarding our loved phones against smears, scratches, and different types of screen damage. These delicate eyeglass-type coatings add an extra protective shield, keeping the screen immunized and in good condition. It is slightly scratch and heat-resistant; hence, the device remains compact and smudge-free. However, scratches can occur despite our best efforts, diminishing the protector’s effectiveness and clarity.

But fear not! You can use several ways to remove scratches and restore the liquid glass screen protector to its original condition. Here are vital steps and insights into how phone users can fix scratches on liquid glass screen protectors.

Method 1: Toothpaste Touch-Up

Toothpaste is a readily available and effective solution for removing minor scratches:

  • Clean the screen protector using a clean microfiber cloth and water.
  • Use regular toothpaste in small amounts, not gel, on the scratch area.
  • You gently motion circular strokes to paste the toothpaste onto the screen.
  • Carry on rubbing until the stains disappear.
  • Continue rubbing until the scratch fades away.
  • Clean the screen repeatedly to remove extra toothpaste.

Method 2: Baking Soda Bliss

If you don’t have toothpaste, baking soda can be used as an alternative to removing scratches from liquid glass screen protectors:

  • Blending even amounts of water and baking soda helps give a consistent texture to the paste.
  • Paste the mixture in the affected place.
  • Softly rub the paste in a circular motion.
  • Wipe away the excess paste with a damp cloth.
  • Repeat the step if necessary.

Method 3: Metal Polish Magic

For deeper scratches, Wireless Waves Repair experts suggest utilizing metal polish:

  • Use a microfiber to clean the display protector.
  • Use a cotton ball or soft cloth of carefully applied metal polish.
  • Carefully stroke the polish on top of the scratch in a circular direction.
  • Remove the excessive paste with a wet cloth and let dry.

Method 4: A Scratch Remover Pen

For more severe scratches, a scratch remover pen can be used:

  • Clear away dirt and debris.
  • Shake it and apply it to the affected area.
  • Let it dry completely.
  • Brush the surface with a clean cloth.
  • Inspect the screen protector after proper cleaning.

Method 5: Applying a New Screen Protector: Quick Guide

If scratches on your liquid glass screen protector persist, applying a new screen protector can be helpful for liquid glass screen protector scratch removal:

  • Power off your gadget and remove the old screen protector.
  • Use a microfiber fabric or a dust removal sticky label to wipe the display screen lightly.
  • Gently apply, allowing natural adhesion.
  • Use an applicator or credit card wrapped in a microfiber cloth.
  • Inspect for dust or bubbles. Allow a few hours for optimal adhesion before use.

The answer to how to remove scratches from a liquid glass screen protector is easy, requiring only the proper tooling and procedure. Whether it is toothpaste, metal polish, scratch remover pen, or baking soda, do not rush it; always check the small area first.

If the problem persists, you should contact Wireless Waves Repair experts to learn more about this issue and hire a replacement service.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is your way to fix scratches on the liquid glass?

Use gentle toothpaste, baking soda, and water to gently buff out the scratches for a liquid glass. Use a smooth circular motion with a soft cloth to gently rub over the scratched area. Alternatively, specialized liquid glass repair kits are available for more severe scratches, providing practical solutions for restoration. These are simple solutions for removing scratches from a liquid glass screen protector.

Can liquid glass screen protectors scratch?

While liquid glass screen protectors offer durable scratch resistance, they are not impervious. Despite their robust protective qualities, minor scratches may still occur over time. However, these protectors can often withstand everyday wear and tear better than traditional alternatives, maintaining functionality and clarity.

How do you respond if your liquid screen protector is broken?

You should tend to this immediately if your liquid screen protector suffers cracks. Cracks compromise the protective integrity, rendering it less effective. Carefully remove the damaged protector, clean the device thoroughly, and apply a new liquid glass screen protector to ensure continued protection against scratches and damage.

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